
Announcement of the results of the preliminary round of the 16th Dimitris Mitropoulos International Competition for Conducting 24 May 2024

The Jury of the 16th Dimitris Mitropoulos International Competition for Conducting has completed the selection process and is pleased to announce the 12 candidates who will compete in the first round in Thessaloniki on 28-31 May (the names are announced in alphabetical order):

1. Mr. Akimov Sergei (Russian)
2. Mr. Alexopoulos Konstantinos (Greek)
3. Mrs. Bazou Maria (Greek)
4. Mr. Benatar Tal (United States)
5. Mr. Cope Oliver (United Kingdom)
6. Mr. Edelmann Simon (German)
7. Mrs. Nam Eu – Lee (South Korea/German)
8. Mr. Sorokin Nikita (French)
9. Mr. Staiger Eric (German)
10. Mr. Terzakis Konstantinos (Greek)
11. Mr. Trachalios Michail (Greek)
12. Mr. Tsai Ming -Jui (China)

We thank all those who participated from all parts of the world and wish them all the best for their careers!
Congratulations to the 12 who qualified!